Shailesh Godghase




Software Engineer

September 2023 - Present

  • Improved database efficiency by optimizing SQL queries, significantly reducing execution time and enhancing overall system performance.

  • Demonstrated adeptness in Angular, effectively identifying and resolving bugs for a smoother, error-free user experience.

  • Excelled in Angular, VB.NET, C#, and SQL, demonstrating a rapid learning curve in diverse software engineering environments.

  • Applied Angular expertise to streamline code, optimizing functionality for a more maintainable codebase.

Afour Technnologies

SDE Intern

March 2023 - August 2023

  • Successfully converted a class component in React(TypeScript) to a functional component, enhancing code maintainability and performance.

  • Optimized table filters, resulting in faster data retrieval and improved user experience.

  • Implemented search functionality in tables, enabling users to easily find and access relevant information.

  • Proactively resolved bugs and technical issues, ensuring smooth operation of the system and minimizing downtime.


Full Stack Developer Intern

Jan 2022 - April 2022

  • Migrated a Wix website to React web app, updating the site’s appearance and functionality.

  • Developed reusable React components and improve them accordingly to optimize loading speed.

  • Used React-Router techniques and Axios service to retrieve data from the server synchronously.

  • Integrated BootStrap based Admin LTE 3 dashboard to manage the complete website.

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